Your site’s main header. A place for your app logo and maybe some navigation.

Layout is done with flexbox. Flexbox is made for handling vertical alignment and dividing elements across the available space without the need of floats.

<header class="site-header" role="banner">
	<div class="site-header__section">
		<a href="/" class="app-icon app-icon--lavender-blue" role="img" aria-labelledby="app-icon-name">
			<div class="app-icon__logo" aria-hidden="true">
				<span class="app-icon__character">J</span>
				<span class="app-icon__character">D</span>
			<span class="app-icon__name" id="app-icon-name">Your App Name</span>
Selector Description
role="banner" Required For a11y
.site-header__section Place your modules in this element. You can use multiple sections in a header.

With navigation

<header class="site-header" role="banner">
	<div class="site-header__section">
		<!-- logo here -->
	<div class="site-header__section">
		<nav class="nav" role="navigation">
			<ul class="nav__list">
				<li class="nav__item" role="none">
					<a href="#" class="nav__link">About</a>
				<li class="nav__item" role="none">
					<a href="#" class="nav__link">Services</a>
				<li class="nav__item" role="none">
					<a href="#" class="nav__link">Contact</a>

Alignment options

You can place sections at the opposite site of the header.

<header class="site-header" role="banner">
	<div class="site-header__section">
		<!-- logo here -->
	<div class="site-header__section site-header__section--last">
		<a href="#">Log out</a>
Selector Description
.site-header__section--last Optional If you want it at the end of the header

Fixed header

This is actually layout issue. You can’t solve this with a modifier on .site-header but with a modifier on <html>. This is because we also add additional styling to other modules.

<html lang="en" class="no-js layout--fixed-header">
		<header class="site-header" role="banner">

Vertical header

A fixed vertical header on the left side of your page. On mobile this wil transform to a horizontal header with an optional hamburger to show the menu.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js layout--vertical-header">
	<header class="site-header site-header--vertical">
		<div class="site-header__section">
			<!-- app icon here -->
		<input type="checkbox" class="hamburger__checkbox" id="nav-toggle">
		<label for="nav-toggle" class="hamburger" role="button" aria-label="Toggle the menu">
			<span class="hamburger__line" role="none presentation"></span>
			<span class="hamburger__line" role="none presentation"></span>
			<span class="hamburger__line" role="none presentation"></span>
		<nav class="nav nav--vertical">...</nav>
	<main class="main-container" role="main">
		<div class="main-content">
			<div class="container">
Selector Description
.layout--vertical-header Required On the html tag</code>
.site-header--vertical Required Modifier on .site-header</code>
.nav--vertical Optional Only if you need navigation in the vertical header
.hamburger Optional Only if you need navigation in the vertical header. This is for the mobile view only.